Emily Adams, Polestar NZ Mentor & Educator, is running her High Intermediate/ Advanced Virtual Mat class, which explores the Polestar repertoire amongst other interesting variations. For those of you that haven’t done this class before, Emily uses mainly the...
Join Jo Hutley in this Mat Masterclass to release your fascia and help you access your flow of movement.During the class we will explore techniques to ease tension in the fascial systems of the body, waking up our body’s proprioception and helping us enhance the ease...
We count ourselves lucky to have Perth-based Audrey Ng make time to take this online Continuing Education workshop ‘Explore the Upper Body Core’.This workshop for Pilates teachers provides insights into how the shoulder girdle plays an important role in force transfer...
WELCOME TO EMILY’S ONLINE HIP MOBILITY & SPLITS WORKSHOP!! This workshop is not only about achieving the splits!There’s no expectation to perform the splits but if your aim is to get there, this workshop offers all the tools and guidelines to achieve both...