We count ourselves lucky to get Perth-based Audrey Ng over to New Zealand to take these 4 Continuing Education workshops – suitable for Movement and Pilates teachers:
Registration fee is $675 incl. GST, unless you pay EARLY BIRD $638 prior to 15 July ’19.
1. Posture Lab – Sat 17 Aug 8.45am to 1.00pm
A fundamental workshop for all movement enthusiasts and specialists, the Posture Lab explores the underlying alignment of the body, which remains relatively constant through different functional positions and orientations.
With 60% of our body weight made up of water, an integral part of obtaining optimal alignment & body posturing is our ability to balance our body mass 3 dimensionally. Principles of the Aston Approach to Postural Assessment can help to illustrate the fluidity of posture, the effect of gravity on body weight, the ground reaction forces and muscular force coupling.
2. Functional Assessment and Integration of the Shoulder Girdle with Movement – Sun 18 Aug 8.30am to 12.30pm
This workshop explores the functional assessment of the shoulder girdle and its relationship to the thoracic and cervical spine and ribcage, in both static and dynamic postures and during spinal movement.
Suitable rehabilitation and Pilates exercise progressions will be presented for common shoulder girdle pathologies, movement and postural dysfunctions with the opportunity for discussion about the clinical reasoning.
This is aimed at allied health practitioners and Pilates or movement teachers.
3. Pilates for the Integration of the Shoulder Girdle and Spinal Movement in Upper Limb Sports – Sun 18 Aug 1.30 to 5.30pm
Building on the functional assessment and integration of the shoulder girdle with movement, this workshop analyses upper limb sports involving throwing, catching, using a racquet, bat, club or stick, or propulsion.
Spinal mobility and the myofascial slings are addressed as Audrey shares her experience in working with elite and recreational athletes to optimise movement efficiency, power, and endurance for peak performance.